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January 17, 2025
Memorial of St. Anthony
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! I pray that 2025 is off to a blessed start for each of you and your families.
What a year this will be! As you know, this year is a Jubilee Year, a Holy Year with the theme of Pilgrims of Hope. We also know that during this year our patron, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, will be canonized in August. Praise God!
I’ve been frequently thinking and praying about this Jubilee Year, especially what it means to be a pilgrim of hope. Have you been on a pilgrimage? I’ve been blessed to make several pilgrimages and each one has humbled, taught, challenged, and filled me. And I love being a pilgrim - being on pilgrimage.
To keep this letter short, I’ll share just one of the reasons I love being a pilgrim: the backpack. Seriously. The backpack keeps us focused on what really matters. Every night and every morning the backpack requires our careful attention. At the end of the day’s journey, the backpack is emptied and its contents evaluated and sorted. The next morning the backpack is prepared for the day. As I fill it, I am painfully aware that I am carrying that backpack all day. Just the two of us, all day, and it is obedient to only one master - gravity. So, I’m exceptionally discerning about what goes in the backpack and what does not. Only the true necessities for the day get in and absolutely nothing extra. If it’s not there, I have to trust that God will provide.
How great would it be if we could live with this “backpack mentality” every day, even when we’re not on a pilgrimage? We’d be free from carrying around all the “stuff” that we don’t need. We’d evaluate our “baggage” more frequently and with more care. In the end, we’d be more free and more reliant on God. All good things as we make this pilgrimage on earth on our way to eternal life.
May God bless you and your families abundantly, especially during this Jubilee Year.
In Christ,
Sister John Paul, O.P.
When: February 8, 2025
Where: Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Registration is open now!
Volunteer: Sign up to volunteer at Steps for Students- click here.
Join the Google Classroom (code: ux6w6ef)
Pay the $15 fee on our website (Covers lunch and bus transportation)
Fill out a permission form (Select “Fill a Copy” to get started)
All participating students should plan to attend a mandatory information session during flex time on January 17.
Gifts to the Frassati Fund support every aspect of the Frassati Catholic experience and provide critical funding for Tuition Assistance, allowing us to support 26% of our school families with an average aid award of $5,768. And that's not all! The Frassati Fund also supports our operations, including Extracurricular Activities, Fine Arts, Athletics, Faith Formation, Student Clubs and Organizations, Retreats, Special Events, Service Opportunities, the Library, College Counseling, Technology, School Dances, the Musical, Guest Lecturers, and so much more! LEARN MORE and GIVE NOW on our website.
Please visit the Athletics tab on our school website to access a wealth of information about our programs! Especially important to check out are the links to the Teams and Schedules, the Forms and TMS page, and Online Tickets.
January 20 January 25 January 26-February 1 January 30 | January 31 February 3 February 7 February 8 February 13 |