The time finally came. Thrill of Victory Thursday and the House Olympics! It was indeed thrilling, with high-level competition across the board. Students showed their skills with their City cheers, games including dodgeball, kanjam, bean bag toss, ultimate frisbee, and much more. At the end of the day Rome still retained first place, but Florence wore down their lead to just 6 points.
The competition wasn't limited to Olympic events. Students earned some extra points coming to Future Falcon Fan Night, where Florence added 20 points for attendance, Turin tacked on 15 points, Pollone added 10 points, and Rome took 5 points.
Additionally, at 3:00 p.m. all Cities made their final contributions to the pinto bean and penny war challenges. The results will be tallied throughout the day on True Friend Friday.
Here is the Day 4 Spirit Week leaderboard with point totals:
Day 5 is a day of truce and community for True Friend Friday.
Scroll below for more pictures of Day 4 and check out our
Spirit Week page.
About Frassati Catholic High School: Founded in 2013, Frassati Catholic High School serves the families and parishes in the north Houston area of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Administered by the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation from Nashville, TN, Frassati Catholic High School prepares students to walk on the path of true happiness through a robust college-preparatory curriculum rooted in the Catholic faith. The school currently serves boys and girls in grades 9-12. For more information about Frassati Catholic High School, contact Tim Lienhard, director of communications and marketing, at 832-616-3221.